Maria Stefani Osesoga, S.E., MBA
This research aims to determine the effect of profitability, firm size, environment uncertainty, and growth opportunity towards earning management. By using purposive sampling method, there were 43...
Maria Stefani Osesoga, S.E., MBA
The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of profitability (ROA), liquidity (CR), firm growth, and capital structure (DER), towards firm value (PBV). Firm value ...
Maria Stefani Osesoga, S.E., MBA
This study expects to determine the impact of Earnings Per Share (EPS), Current Ratio, Return On Asset (ROA), and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) towards stock price of property and real estate firms. T...
Charlie Tjokrodinata, S.Kom., M.Sc.
The social model of disability distinguishes between disability and impairment. It
maintains that disability is the result of decisions made by society and their impact on an individual