Access to Mobile Gaming for People with Sensory Impairment (Case Study: the role of EAI for Gamers with Disability)

The social model of disability distinguishes between disability and impairment. It
maintains that disability is the result of decisions made by society and their impact on an individual
with a specific impairment. (Ellis and Kent, 2017, p.3). This is even more evident as the
government has been more passive in setting the course of technology development to technology
companies, sacrificing availability to lower the cost of development. (Goggin and Newell, 2002).
Ellis and Kent divide the online platform for social media into four stages, to define whether it is
accessible or not. According to Ellcessor, games cannot be seen as assistive technologies or as
venues for charity or uplift; instead, they are framed as sources of cultural capital and sites of
pleasure and entertainment. Unfortunately, people with disabilities are often materially and
culturally excluded from both systems through inaccessible interfaces, and also a lack of
representation (or offensive representations) in games’ content. This proposed article will divide
the categories of online games in Indonesia based on the concept of digital disability. The analysis
will provide some discussions to answer these questions:

1. How games are perceived, accessed, and used by people with disabilities?
2. Which mobile games are more accessible to people with disabilities?
3. What is the role of community EAI (E-Sports Ability Indonesia) in supporting
gamers with disability?
4. Where do digital platforms fit into questions of inequality and social justice?
Methodology used in this article is a post-positivist approach with interview and FGD methods,
both from EAI (E-Sport Ability Indonesia), expert, and PB E-Sport Indonesia. This proposed
article expected to give further insight about where do digital platforms fit into questions of
inequality and social justice, and in this case is how accessible is mobile gaming for people with
sensory impairment. The findings may provide valuable insights and practical implications
ESports industry and government, either from accessibility or regulations.