Camelia Catharina L.S, S.Sos., M.Si.
The recently published Ministerial Regulation on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education have garnered various reactions from the public. This research aims to portray th...
Albertus Magnus Prestianta, S.I.Kom., M.A
Keberadaan smartphone dan media sosial telah mengubah cara pandang media terhadap suatu pertemuan, produksi, penyuntingan, dan penyebaran berita. Dengan menggunakan modal jurnalistik concept, tulis...
Taufan Wijaya, S.Sos., M.A.
Photojournalism is no doubt a historical asset for human civilization. Before it is in digital format like we have today, photographs were kept in celuloid film or what we called as analog photogra...
Adi Wibowo Octavianto, S.Sos., M.Si
This article describes ongong data journalism education's action research in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN). Data journalism has become an increasingly needed skill to offset the tenden...