Leveraging Instagram Reels To Achieve B2B Objectives

B2B companies are facing the challenge of reaching millennials, the new generation of
prospects, to achieve the business objectives conveying the business value through online
video marketing on social media widely used by that target audience. The study aims to
explore the kind of content in the Instagram Reels of B2B companies that could consider the
orientation of business objectives in the online video marketing strategy. This study finds that
in the Instagram Reels, companies in B2B can create four types of content due to their
business objective, that is: 1) company culture, helpful and brand humanizing content for
elevating brand awareness; 2) valuable products or services for generating or managing leads;
3) customer testimonials for acquisition or retain the customer; 4) call to action embedded to
drive traffic to Instagram or other social media platform; 5) educational content for
demonstrating customer service. The research provides recommendations for implementation
in content creation for Instagram Reels that bring the opportunity to B2B companies to
achieve the business objective.