Students’ Perspective on Learning Basic Health in 4th Grade Science Subject: Experiences and Expectations Towards Interactive Digital Design Utilization

Today’s technology advances rapidly while human critical illnesses such as cancer, coronary heart disease, kidney failure, and diabetes are affecting younger people. Based on that concern, our research team are compelled to look at the root of the problem, which is related to health awareness. It is crucial for society to be aware and has knowledge of basic human health since early ages, which can be started from primary school age. At the moment, most Indonesian schools are still using the conventional teaching media and methods in the primary education, where students depend on textbooks and teacher’s input, while digital applications have been used globally in daily lives. With the current’s technology advances, an interactive digital design-based learning medium can be developed to support health education. By applying this new method, it is hoped that students can have a better learning experience that satisfies their curiosity in science. Therefore, our research team aim to analyse how interactive digital design-based method can be applied to health education in primary school age from the students’ point of view.