Consumption Value Dimension of Green Purchase Intention with Green Trust as Mediating Variable

One of the sectors that pollutes the environment is the cosmetics sector. Pay close attention to the packaging and microplastic waste that have been produced. Presently, the cosmetics company Garnier create a Garnier Green Beauty campaign to transform the company and lessen its impact on the environment. Garnier is working to produce cosmetics with more environmentally friendly formulae. By decreasing waste, it will be possible to reduce plastic pollution. This study examines what influences someone to use eco-friendly beauty products and be willing to purchase Garnier products. This study employed a quantitative research methodology. Google Form is used to collect data and has a 5-point Likert scale. There were 211 respondents that met the requirement that they were familiar with Garnier goods but had never used them. AMOS is used to process the data. According to the study's findings, functional value, social value, and emotional value each have a significant impact on consumers' intentions to make green purchases. Social worth, however, does not significantly influence green trust. Results of research can be used by actors in the beauty industry as knowledge, recommendations, and input.