Representasi Femininitas dan Maskulinitas dalam Film "27 Steps of May"

27 Steps of May is an Indonesian film, directed by Ravi Bharwani and released in 2018. It is an important film because it highlights sensitive theme that is marginalized. This film tells the story of a girl named May, who lives with her father. May is a rape victim in the Kerusuhan 1998, when she was only fourteen years old. This film focuses on May and her father’s life after the unfortunate incident. The characters of May and the father who are juxtaposed in the film can be seen as a binary opposition; the female character is a representation of femininity, while the male character represents masculinity. This paper will analyze how femininity and masculinity are represented through these two characters using John Fiske's semiotic analysis. The scenes will be analyzed through three levels, namely reality, representation, and ideology. The result shows that the film still preserves the status quo values of femininity and masculinity that operate in society. However, this film also shows a shifting trend from those values. This finding confirms that Indonesian filmmakers have become agents of change by trying to break down the traditional values of femininity and masculinity that are deeply rooted in the society.