Representasi Ibu Bekerja yang Ideal di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dalam Komik Bunda

Being a working mother during the Covid-19 pandemic is not easy. Numerous tweets and posts on social media display the multiple roles that mothers have to play: as teachers, doctors, caregivers, housekeepers, and workers from home. In the midst of these grievances, the working mothers also presented an unrelenting fighting spirit to maintain the physical and mental health of themselves and their families. The dynamics of motherhood during the pandemic were wonderfully portrayed in the “Komik Bunda” which was published on one of the leading parenting sites in Indonesia, This qualitative study explores how working mothers negotiate their identities in order to adapt, resile, and innovate amidst the ups and downs of the pandemic situations in Indonesia. Critical content analysis was performed on 30 comic editions which themed on motherhood during a pandemic. The findings will be analyzed from the perspective of feminist standpoint theory, identity, and representation. The findings of this study indicate that women experience an excessive workload when undergoing the triad of identity as mothers, teachers, and workers during the pandemic. Negotiation efforts such as identity segmentation and conceptualizing partners as secondary parents are ways to manage tensions between identities. The discussion in this study shows that the attraction between identities will not stop as long as women are in the confines of the myth of good mothers and ideal workers promoted by the ideologies of neoliberalism and capitalism. This study came to the conclusion that the issue of identity is not only about what mothers choose
in the end, but also about the authenticity and balance displayed by working mothers during the pandemic.