Shape Grammar for Cane Webbing Design

Using shape grammar for cane webbing design is the way of seeing its shape and doing cane webbing. The utilization of cane webbing, which is usually for furniture design, has potential use in the implementation of architectural design. When traditional handcrafters make cane webbing on a plane of furniture, the design can be generated and developed into a more complex architectural form. Shape grammar unfolds the possibility to explore creativity, both in the design process and computational thinking. Hence, this research explores cane webbing from two-dimensional on a plane into three-dimensional form. In this paper, the three-dimensional must have at least two planes where the application of cane webbing is attached to the plane. The first step is defining shape relation and shape rules of cane webbing design on a plane. After we determine the cane webbing grammar, we can apply it into a three-dimensional form, which opens possibilities and creativity for architectural design. In the end, this paper aims to combine craft and digital ways of cane webbing design into architectural
design applications using shape grammar.