Digital Computation on Architectural Design Process in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

In the digital era, BIM (Building Information Modelling) has enriched and transformed
Architectural pedagogy, particularly in the architectural design studio. It has challenged
students during design activity, either it helps or limits their design. We review students'
achievements that employ BIM as part of the architectural design process. In this case, BIM
parameters based on The International Union of Architects (UIA) revised edition 2017 include;
creative process, analyses and strategies for the design process, technical knowledge and ability
to communicate ideas such as drawing, modelling and documentation. This research focuses
on the architectural design studio of the fourth semester of undergraduate study in Universitas
Multimedia Nusantara (UMN). We use the correlational method to comprehend students'
performance in the digital design process. First, we observed and followed students' design
processes. Second, we collected final grade data from two applied BIM courses, Architecture
Design 3 and Digital Computation 2. This research aims to assess the influence of BIM
utilization on students' performance and achievement in the design process. The results will
improve learning methods and their effectiveness in architectural design and digital computing.