Understanding Participatory Culture for People with Disability

Culture said to be one of the most powerful forces in our world. Society 5.0 is where human

achieve a forward-looking society whose members have mutual respect for each other, a human-
centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a

system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space. Participatory culture spread rapidly
especially on social media platforms and number of young people use social media platforms to
express themselves are raising. Participatory culture is when they believe their contributions
matter, and feel some degree of social connection with one another in social media. Unfortunately,
not all young people can use social media platforms because some conditions, such as disability.
Disability is a condition that limit a person's mental, sensory, or mobility functions to undertake
or perform a task in the same way as a person who does not have a disability. Autism spectrum
disorder is one of the disabilities that encounter limitless complications every day. In a social
understanding of disability, they are unnecessarily isolated and excluded from full participation in
society. However, the experience this young people have with popular culture and mainstream
new media will be different. This research tries to understand how people with disability
especially for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder express themselves through participatory
culture. This research will use post positivist paradigm and also qualitative method. Interview will
be conducted for data collection. The result of this research expected to give understanding about
participatory culture from standpoint of teenagers with autism spectrum disorder.