The Effect of Utilitarian Cool Dimension and Functional Cool Dimension of A Brand on Conumers Brand Trust and Its Implication To Visual eWOM: A Study of Jakarta's "Hipster

Background Big framed glasses, workshirt, skinny rolled jeans, colorful new balance sneakers, wet neat hair, long treated mustache and/or beard. Who wear those kind of things? Back in the days, no one in their sane mind would wear it. Nowdays, most of the people seems to like those ideas. The qustion is: Who started all this mind blowing fashion chioce? And the answer to that question is The Hipster. 
It is hard to pin point the exact time this Hipster fever hit Indonesia. It feels like the the term it self was firstly heard in mid 2000's and then grew bigger 3-4 years after that. It's not that hard to find a hipster now days especially in Jakarta. You can find them in a cool pop up market event such as bright spot or market and museum, a concept store like goodsdept or aksara!, an Ismaya's musical concert or Djakarta Warehouse Project, or in any Major Mall in Jakarta. 
What is fascinating about Jakarta's Hipster to a marketers stand point are, no matter how ridiculous what they are wearing it will eventually be a trend at least in Greater Jakarta. In a sense, Hipster was the innovator or early addopter in fashion industry or maybe any industries as long as it's targeting an urban youngsters (Grief 2010). In Jakarta fashion scene, Hipster are the "cool kids", and cool kids only wears cool brands. Hipster/cool kids are "alpha customers" that is those whose influence governs the success or failure of a brand or fashion (Brownie 2014). Grossman (2003) points out that what alpha cutomers starts dressing in a certain way now, you would see that everybody else (non-cool people) will be doing the exact same thing a year from now. Lever (1959) proposed that styles were "daring" if it's one year before its time. Daring in this case is synonimus to being cool or in this case being a Hipster. So it's essential for a brand that are meant to be marketed to Jakarta's urban youngster to be percieved as a "cool" brand to The Hipster since they are the one who set up what's cool and what's no longger cool. 
The term "cool" it self are commonly used in marketing, especially when the subject is young consumers (O'Donnel and Wardlow 2000). Although the word were used alot in it is hard to find a clear and concience of its deffinition (Rodkin et al. 2006). All we know is being cool towards young consumers or in this case The Hipster is extremely important. Olson et al. (2005) even says "Firms that possess the 'cool' factor have a powerfull advantage over their competitors".