Understanding Participatory Culture For People With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Participatory culture has spread rapidly especially on social media platforms and number of young people use social media platform to express themselves are raising. Participatory culture is when they believe their contribution matter, and feel some degree of social connection with one another in social media. Unfortunately, not all young people can use social media platforms because some conditions, such as disability. People with autism spectrum disorder encounter limitless complications every day. This research tries to understand how people with disability especially for young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder express themselves through participatory culture. Selected method for this research is qualitative with interpretive paradigm, which is the explanation on how this phenomenon describes human behavior. In qualitative research, the main instrument is the researcher. Using interpretive paradigm and qualitative method, interview will be conducted with three participants from people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Another data collection is by using focus group discussion with therapists and learning facilitator to understand about the young people with autism spectrum disorder's daily experience in relation to the participatory culture. The outcome of this research expected to give input for pedagogy learning through participatory culture.