Islamic Law And National Cultures Impact On Modern Funeral Services Buying Ethical Perception And Behavioral Intention

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of Islamic law and national cultures
on the ethical perceptions and behavioral intentions of Muslim Indonesians in buying modern
funeral services. A questionnaire was distributed among Muslim respondents who were doing
their routine weekly Friday prayers in Sunda Kelapa, one of biggest mosques in Central Jakarta.
Based on a total sample of 103 responses, structural equation modeling was used to test the
research hypotheses. This research used the theory of reasoned action proposed by Ajzen to
analyze behavioral intentions. Since the behavioral intentions were influenced by the ethical
perceptions, the Hofstede national culture was deemed to play a significant role. The data
analysis further suggested that the behavioral intentions in buying modern funeral services
were strongly influenced by Islamic law (MUI Fatwa), Indonesia culture dimensions, and the
ethical perceptions among Muslim Indonesians. Both Islamic law and Indonesian national
culture (as a collectivist country) play a significant role in creating ethical perceptions and
influence Muslim behavioral intentions in regard to buying modern funeral services.