Design and Build VR Horror Games with Procedural Content Generation Using Cellular Automata Algorithm

The development of video games is very fast according to data obtained by ESA in 2021, about
226 million people on American played video games and in Indonesia 105 million people play video games
and this will continue to increase, it is predicted that in 2025 video players gaming in Indonesia will reach
127 million people, this causes the need for game content continues to increase while for making game
content it is not something that cheap, one way to reduce costs in making content in the game is to
implement procedural content generation, procedural content generation is one way of creating content
game automatically by using an algorithm. This research aims to design and build a virtual reality horror
game using use cellular automata algorithm, cellular automata algorithm in research This research is used
for map making, besides that this research also aims to measure the level of player satisfaction with the
game that has been made. Game created using the Unity 3D game engine and the C# programming
language. After game has been successfully built, will measure the level of satisfaction through cakes.
questionnaire using GUESS-18, based on tests that have been carried out with GUESS-18, the results
obtained are 77.1 percent, which can be concluded that the level of player satisfaction is categorized as