Multichannel Integration, Trust and Repurchase Intention: Antecedent and Its Implications. A Study in The BLP Beauty Product

Abstract— Beauty products are part of the lifestyle of women in Indonesia. It encourages the
development of the beauty industry, followed by many local beauty brands emerging in the
market. Many local beauty brands prefer to start their businesses online due to low investment
cost and expand their market into the offline after well-established. During the Covid 19
Pandemic, the sales was declining due to the reduction usage of the beauty products.
Optimizing multichannel integration in both online and offline platforms was chosen to
increase sales. This study aims to enhance repurchase intention on BLP beauty brands by
investigating the impact of trust and multichannel integration. This study proposes six
hypotheses, and the data analysis was conducted using the Structural Equation Model (SEM).
The results show that customer loyalty has impact to repurchase intention on both online and
offline platform. Meanwhile, only trust influences customer loyalty in offline platform.
Furthermore, this study also found that multichannel integration does not influence customer
loyalty in the local beauty product.