Observing Digital Leadership Model Through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis A La Regulator During Pandemic Era

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on changing people's behavior. The
pandemic has become one of the accelerators for the acceleration of human civilization to
internalize technology in various dynamics of human life. One of the sectors affected by this
pandemic is the financial services sector, which includes the banking sector, capital markets,
and the non-bank financial industry. This dynamic needs to be responded by the Financial
Services Authority (OJK) as the regulator, supervisor, and enforcer and consumer protection
service in the financial services sector in accordance with Law Number 21 of 2011
concerning the Financial Services Authority. The role of OJK representatives in the regions
became significant as an extension of the head office. The role of digital leaders is needed in
achieving task force performance through digital transformation. The phenomenological
approach is an option in this research as a medium to explore research problems. Researchers
use Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a data analysis technique in tracing
the meaning of the phenomenon that occurs. Based on the results of research conducted by
the OJK of Southeast Sulawesi Province, seven qualities of the digital leader model in the
success of digital transformation consisted of digital literacy, vision, stakeholder concern,
agility, risk taking, collaboration, and compliance with regulations/policies.